Monday, September 1, 2008

Tu QuoQue Fallacy

Me, Foisal and Kumar are very good friend. All of we take critical thinking in this semester. Last week after finishing the critical thinking tutorial class we pass around our time sit beside the library......

Foisal- “Smoking is very unhealthy and leads to all sorts of problems. So take my advice and never start.”

Me- “Well, I certainly don’t want to get cancer.”

Foisal- “I’m going to get a smoke. Want to join me kumar?”

Me- “Well, I guess smoking can’t be that bad. After all, Foisal smokes.”

This is a tu quoque fallacy. Because if we analyzed the definition of tu quoque fallacy, foisal did the same thing what tu quoque fallacy says…..
“The fact that a person makes inconsistent claims does not make any particular claim he makes false (although of any pair of inconsistent claims only one can be true—but both can be false). Also, the fact that a person’s claims are not consistent with his actions might indicate that the person is a hypocrite but this does not prove his claims are false.”

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